The New Hampshire State Library has an extensive list of children’s books about New Hampshire published before 2000.
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Take A Hike! A Donkey-Donk Story by Ellen F. Feld and photographs by John Cebula.
The third in a series featuring the author’s adorable miniature donkey, follow Donkey-Donk as she prepares to hike Mount Washington in New Hampshire. Gorgeous photographs record the journey. Do you know what is at the top of Mount Washington? You will find out if you read this informational fiction picture book for the youngest reader.
- Paperback: 36 pages
- Publisher: Willow Bend Publishing (May 7, 2020)
- ISBN-10: 173376741X
- ISBN-13: 978-1733767415
Lucy’s Summer by Donald Hall and Michael McCurdy (Illustrator)
Lucy is seven when she spends the summer at her family’s New Hampshire farm.
- Age Range: 5-8
- Publisher: Browndeer Pr (April 1995)
- ISBN-10: 0152768734
- ISBN-13: 978-0152768737
Pianna by Mary Lyn Ray and illustrated by Bobbie Henba
A picture book about a young girl who loves to play the piano and her life growing up in rural New Hampshire. Out of print, may be hard to find.
- Age Range: 4 and up
- Publisher: HMH Books for Young Readers; 1st edition (March 30, 1994)
- ISBN-10: 0152613579
- ISBN-13: 978-0152613570
Miss Hickory by Carolyn Sherwin Bailey
Miss Hickory is a small doll who is left behind in New Hampshire and she’s frightened about spending the winter alone. A classic.
- Age Range: 8 – 12 years
- Publisher: Puffin Books; 1st edition (May 26, 1977)
- ISBN-10: 014030956X
- ISBN-13: 978-0140309560
Shaker Children: True Stories and Crafts by Kathleen Thorne-Thompson
Surrounding the true stories of two children who lived with the Shakers, Nicholas Briggs and Anita Potter, the author has included a number of relevant hands-on activities like baking bread and planting a garden.
- Age Range: 9 and up
- Paperback: 122 pages
- Publisher: Chicago Review Pr; 1st edition (April 1996)
- ISBN-10: 1556522509
- ISBN-13: 978-1556522505
G is for Granite: A New Hampshire Alphabet by Marie Harris and illustrated by Karen Busch Holman
Explore New Hampshire with simple rhyming text for young readers and more detailed sidebars for older readers.
- Age Range: 6 – 9 years
- Publisher: Sleeping Bear Press; First Edition edition (December 15, 2002)
- ISBN-10: 158536083X
- ISBN-13: 978-1585360833